Friday, October 22, 2010

Twitter Translations 8

Not much has happened lately in term of news about the project (and honestly I'm happy about that; planing a one month trip in Japan isn't as easy at it seems), but at least we got a new tweet today... pretty insignificant tweet but at least it's there.

As of 22/10/10 :

本日発売のヤングアニマルにて、ベルセルク連載再開です!! 皆様、よろしくお願いします!!
 In today's release of Young Animal,  Berserk will be resuming !! Thanks everyone !!

It is indeed today that the latest Young Animal magazine got released. We might get some more info about the project in it... or not. Time to go read 2ch I guess.
g0rth Web Developer

Morbi aliquam fringilla nisl. Pellentesque eleifend condimentum tellus, vel vulputate tortor malesuada sit amet. Aliquam vel vestibulum metus. Aenean ut mi aucto.


  1. Here's your Berserk Spoilers!

    Release yesterday:

  2. I cant wait for new info about berserk´s new anime...!

    im still a bit shocked! it feels so unbelievably good news to be true! so good quality on those commercials!

    also, I am lucky, I started reading berserk just about month and a half ago online, and just when I had catched up with chapters, I hear that such a good quality anime is coming out 2010(hopefully)!

  3. its confirmed i believe!!
