Monday, November 15, 2010

An apology for the lack of updates...

Just wanted to say I'm sorry for not updating this for a long time; normally I'd be doing continuous research about the project, but I've been in Japan for now 14 days and I must admit my head is somewhere else. Ironically, now that I'm in Japan I know even less about what's going on... More stuff promised when I come back to Canada, in 7 days or so.

I did bought the most recent Berserk volume with the announcement on the cover though.
g0rth Web Developer

Morbi aliquam fringilla nisl. Pellentesque eleifend condimentum tellus, vel vulputate tortor malesuada sit amet. Aliquam vel vestibulum metus. Aenean ut mi aucto.


  1. No worries dude, you've already given more info then any other place.
    Have fun in Japan.

  2. You are doing a great job with this site.
    We understand the lack of updates. Actually, as we can see they aren´t releasing news about the project..

  3. MAN YOU ARE THE BEST!!I bellive that berserk fans are fanatik and you ginve us big happynes just inform us for this thank you very much we wait for more!!And ofcorse i wait for the release date!!!

  4. if we can wait months for miura to release a chapter then we can wait 7 more days for you to return :P

  5. Hey man - don't worry, like someone else mentioned there were no releases (they're really being very hush-hush about it, I think). And really, you're doing a great job with this site as it is; I've bookmarked it because it's the fastest way for me to get more Berserk news. So thatnks for the hard work!

  6. dont worry. Have a nice trip

  7. О! This was pretty provided that there are a lot of out there just waiting for the right.

  8. Awesome you being in Japan, I hope to do so in about two years. Thanks for keeping up the good work about this site and I really hope them suckers make haste and bring Berserk soon! Forgive my tarzan-ish english and ganbatte da yo!

    --Beligerante (from Argentina)

  9. my "stuff" is coming out
