Thursday, January 6, 2011

Twitter Translations 11 [OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT]

So yeah, looks like everything was true from the leaked Newtype announcement. We also got an approximate release date !

[拡散希望]2011年 ベルセルク劇場版アニメ化決定です!! ベルセルクのすべての物語を映像化いたします!! 壮大なベルセルクサーガプロジェクトスタートです。なお、劇場公開は、2011年中を目標としています!! これは、公式発表です!!

[Diffusion Hope] Berserk 2011 will be a movie version anime !! The whole story of Berserk will be adapted !! Epic Berserk saga project; start. Furthermore, the movie release is aimed at half of 2011!! This is an official announcement !!  

First, not sure what [拡散希望] means, so just wrote its literal meaning. That aside, it looks like they decided to announce the news earlier since they're still on the 7th in Japan right now. Might be related to the leak, or maybe we'll get another announcement on the 8th, but I doubt it. Also if everything goes well, the movie should be released near June according to that.


Since the aim of the project is to adapt the long story of Berserk, it is not the plan to span the project over several years. So, for example, there may not be any movies 10 years later, this adaptation is serious !!

Ok, I really need to start taking Japanese classes again; while I think the first sentence is correct, I can't seem to be able to make any sense out of the second one. Though in general, I think they mean that this is going to be one big production that we will remember. 

キャスト・製作・構成は、正式決定次第、随時報告いたします。まさに「誰も見たことのないベルセルク」です!! テンションあがってきました!!

Cast/Production/Organisation will be reported upon official decision at any time. Surely [Daremo mitakotononai Beruseruku]!! The tension has increased !! 

Again, not to sure about that part : 「誰も見たことのないベルセルク」; I'm pretty sure he's referring to the commercial and how highly likely that the ones involved in them will be part of the project. And by the "ones" I mean Gackt who did the naration ('tomo the tomo" was also  behind the music, but it's way to soon to include such a small scale artist in speculations). 

Personally I was rather pleased with Kanna Nobutoshi's performance in the original series and wouldn't mind him returning at all, although as things are right now, it seems rather likely that Gackt will take his place, which I don't necessarily approve of, but still don't mind on the other hand. 

However, and I think I speak for many Berserk fans out there when I say that I want to see Hirasawa Susumu's name somewhere in the musical production. Although it doesn't mean a lot,  since the project announcement, I've been stalking Hirasawa's Twitter, but hasn't found anything closely related to Berserk.

 I guess we're going to have to wait a little to know more about the cast/production team, but hey, we're all used to waiting for Berserk, right ? 


Here's some official English tweets that pretty much sum up what said before : 

BERSERK will be made into animated movie! This movie is a first part of BERSERK SAGA PROJECT.

The original work is a long serialized story which carries onfor more thantwenty years.

The aim of the project is to makethe movies faithful to the original.We try to release the first movie within the year!

g0rth Web Developer

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  1. Fantastic, sounds to me that they want to release the movies quickly and not Hellsing Ultimate style.

    Also, I remember hearing somewhere about a year or so ago that Susumu Hirasawa said that he was going to be involved with a new Berserk project...but I'd just call that a rumour for now.

    Thanks for translating these btw.

  2. Cast production configuration, formally finalized, will report at any time. まさに「誰も見たことのないベルセルク」です! Just "never seen anyone Berserk" is! ! ! テンションあがってきました! Have nervous tension?

    newest tweet translated

  3. なので、たとえば10年後とかは映画という形ではないかもしれませんが.
    This sentence would make sense if you correctly translate kanji 形. I think he said: "for example after ~10 years this adaptation might be not in the FORM of movie". In other words we can expect OVA or even TV-series in the future.

  4. I hope there will be an English dub right away. I can't watch subs.

  5. Subs I can watch. But Berserk, I'm passionate about. I want MARC DIRAISON!

  6. Yeah, I want the english dub to be out when the movie premieres.

  7. hey man! are you serious??! english dub on japanese anime? its like a ketchup on pizza.. so dumb..

  8. Ketchup on pizza i can eat, but english dub on japanese anime... Agreed.

  9. I hope when/if the movie hits europe they have the original japanese voices and not any silly dubs. But I have to say that the dubs in the earlier anime were suprisingly good.

    I like some of Susumu Hirasawa's songs in the earlier anime, but some of them were quite horrible (like the main theme and Froces).
    Though, the 'ambient' stuff is really great.

  10. what? Forces was really good you don't know what you are talking about.
    what do you mean with main theme? the op? yeah that was quite bad, well it was good but it didn't quite fit in the anime.

    the dub was really good/decent, at least better than most of other shows with dub.

  11. @Anonymous

    have to agreed that MARC DIRAISON was really good voice for Guts

  12. The opening theme was supposed to be a contrast to the series itself. At least that's how I saw it. And "Forces" was very good in my opinion.

  13. I don't watch anime without and english dub. Japanese voices sound bad when the character is supposed to be a tough guy. Just like in DBZ, all the male characters sound like little girls.

    They can just get really good voice actors to do the dub, like Morgan freeman, lol.

  14. In Susumu Hirasawa's defense, he wasn't the musician that provided the music for the opening and ending credits:
    Opening theme
    "Tell Me Why", by Penpals
    Ending theme
    "Waiting So Long", by Silver Fins
    I don't think the composers are the ones who decides the opening and closing themes, as they're usually out of place j-pop songs.
    But personally, I think Forces would have made an awesome opening theme song for the old Berserk though lol

  15. but it wud be better if its a series.....or just make sure that every yir there is a new movie.... and dont skip the important details which is stated on the manga....

  16. make sure thar the drawing is better than any anime movies hehehe

  17. Thanks god it's not originally released in USA, with those shitty voices actors, and stupid dubs they make

  18. @Anonymous

    Indeed. The drawing should be as detailed as the manga is! Looks like they're using computer alot, which in my opinion is a bad thing.
    PS. Thanks for the opening theme enlightment.

  19. guys any info when next epizode of manga will be released?

  20. I stopped caring about the manga a while ago when it kept dragging on about some silly pirates. However, I am very excited about this upcoming movie.

  21. but without mange theres also no ending in upcoming movie... am I wrong?

  22. It's part of a series project. This is just the first of the movies, and as stated by the berserk_project twitter, it could become an OVA/Anime in the future. The first of perhaps more movies is set for a mid 2011 release date. I don't see how anyone could possibly think a single movie could depict any coherent story, not to mention that it's already been officially announced as a series of works rather than just a single movie.

  23. First off, 90% of English dubs are terribad. Like, it almost feels like they actively hunt the worst actors they can find. I am a fan of a quality dub, but they are rare. I don't mind subs and I am cool with guts sounding a little higher pitched, so long as he sounds like he means what he says.

    Secondly, quality over quantity. If it takes a year between OVA's/movies/episodes (what ever it turns out to be) but are an couple hours in length, beautifully animated and true to the source, so be it. Any true Berserk fan is used to waiting a little while. I would rather they didn't even attempt this project if they intend to churn out steamy piles of unwatchable crap to sate the impatient hyperventilation of mouth breathing morons.

  24. I agree. I am willing to wait a long time now that we at least know they are making another Berserk anime :)

  25. Not all dubs are bad, the FUNimation voice cast for DBZ is amazing. I just hope they release two movies per year and they get released on blu-ray in the US with a dub (that has good, well known voice actors)

  26. The English dub of the original anime was very good in my opinion it was a way better than Japanese.

    The voice of Guts is felt stronger than his Japanese voice.
    It suited better to Guts and Zodd ’s voice sounded more “demonic” in English.

  27. 20 years!? I'm gonna be an old piece of shit c'mon, I didn't mind seeing 10 years but 20 years? God damn!

  28. I'm really excited and I don't really care how long it takes. I hope we're told an exact release date soon. I also hope they hurry up Manga production since I seriously want them to get their asses to Elfhelm ASAP. Just to see if they can help Casca. :D

  29. Well, I think that if they accually makes their final production as awesome as the trailer, then nobody will be sad ^^.. I looking forward to se Skullknight in this production..

    And to ad something in the "Sub/Dub-War" I say that everything should be seen in it's original state.
    even movies in english or russian (like nightwatch or daywatch) should be seen in it original language...
    but in either way, I hope that the ones that will do the subs understands how much these movies mean to us as Berserk fans!


  30. @trollololo

    Exactly my thoughts about subs/dubs; that doesn't apply to only anime, but all media in general. Despite being French, I don't recall the last time I went to see an american movie dubbed.

  31. The creators of hellsing and Vampire hunter D preferred the english dubs.So get over yourselves you sub elitist.

    Cant wait for the new series

  32. Generally I prefer an English Dub, but since this is Berserk, I'll probably watch both versions repeatably over and over again until the next movie is released.

  33. this is the baddest anime ever.i'm kinda curious though on how they will release it,cause i want to see the whole story,till the very end.its my favorite anime
    even though i'm not good at english,in listening part(i know english but without subs i lose a lot of conversations,since english is not my birth language),but i don't mind if it comes in english dub
    and the manga is awesome too.what Naruto and Bleach or One Piece mangas.this a true masterpiece.i haven't looked if there was manga of Berserk,and found it few days ago.when it goes after the anime episodes its freakin' epic.the fight scenes would be really epic as anime.when he goes Berserk and killing whatever is in front of his eyes,is just wOw..the scene i want to see the most,is when Gatts/Guts gets the cursed black armor from the wtches treehouse..

  34. they said something about first movie comin out mid year 2011

  35. I just finished watching the whole Anime of Berserk and started to read the Manga from the beginning, and I must say this is really a true piece of art.
    It engulfs you in so many feelings at once and I am really excited about this movie adaptation. I just hope it somewhat resembles what the author intended from the start.

  36. I i hope that this movie or several of them go further in the story, and since i've not red the manga i hope guts kick's grifith behelit, and turn him to normal.
    also from the traillers i've seen so far grifith looks more like a chick with painted lips. can't wait them to be released.

  37. @Aleks
    Plain and simple a dub is better than a sub when...... The characters/setting/story are set in a place other than japan.... Sometimes by some chance dubs can be better even under those contexts (see GoldenBoy)
    If the place is set in english euro setting (like Berserk) then I would prefer them to speak english with accent. If the story and charcters are set in Japan I prefer to hear original japanese. Makes sense right? I do not want to watch berserk speaking japanese when the people in the story have no clue what japanese is in the first place and vice versa I wouldn't want to watch Vagabond (which I hope they make) in english cuz that would just be stupid and for those that try so hard to only watch dubs and make excuses on how good they are are just lazy and probably the same people who cant appreciate the true form of Mangas....Which the i must say the Berserk manga is 10000 times better than the crappy anime version

  38. Man, I totally agree about what you said regarding the dubs-sub.

    I really liked Dubs taken for berserk, but thats me.

    Perhaps i could wait 20 years longer for the series to come, that way ill watch them with my son.

  39. It is simply that some dubs are better than others. Some are horrible by comparison to the original audio......Bacanno!, Trigun.....some are equally good,...Cowboy Bebop for instance....

    Berserk however, because it is very much not a depiction of an Asian illustrated cast, english seems more appropriate....its the freaking feudal dark ages of Europe throughout the Berserk timeline. For me, thats one reason the english works....furthermore, Guts is truer to the character.

    And then some dubs are just better......Escaflowne, GunGrave.

    Its really just a matter of personal tastes and individual perception of the characters portrayed on screen. I love anime......certainly more of them subtitled than dubbed....god I hope no one every tried to Dub Legend of Galactic Heroes.

  40. we just like some of Susumu Hirasawa's songs in the morning anime. Do you have any other good way for marketing.

  41. from titogod: ummm yeah come to for manga and games.

  42. This is my favorite anime and manga of all time, heck it is as old as I am, 24 years

    I will admit though, that the English voices for this anime are phenomenal. There is so much emotion through their voices..

    which you do need for such a mature story with some of the most complex characters in manga/anime to date - that is why this series is one of the greatest

  43. The dub was freakin sweet what're you kids talkin about?

  44. Dubs are for scrubs. Period.

  45. i love this anime
    when i was left hanging, so stood still my entertaining life
    hope for a release date

  46. when is releasing the berserk ?

  47. If this is the first movie of many then I'm good with that. To make this as close to the Manga would be great from beginning to end! Can't wait to see this in action! I hope they have an uncut DVD/Blue Ray version for the fans who follow the Manga. This story deserves the best production possible.

  48. I have the Berserk fatpack from Madman Entertainment, plus the mangas upto vol.34. thanks to Borders closing down in NSW, i have to order the latest from Kings Comics in Sydney.
    Berserk Anime was good...i support the eng dub over the jap original as 1. i only know english, 2. Guts sounds more in character with a deeper voice. they'll be copying the recent Evangelion re-makes scheme i'd say. The manga is taking its sweet ass time...vol 34 an Griffith has only just confronted 'shroom Ganishka!

  49. when is the berserk season 2 going to come out what date of month and year plz don't tell me i have to wait for 10/20 year for it to come out i do like it i just want all of the story to be on one box set plz tell me

  50. dude, has this shit even come out yet? Its september and i'm like wtf

  51. anybody know what's the english translations for hese two songs on the latest trailer? I'm really fascinated, specially for the second song theme. Seemed so freaking epic that i want it before the release *_*

  52. I watch whatever dub is better,and being that im not a little wannabe japanese punk Im comfortable in saying that the majority of dubs are better in english.This is largely due to the fact that modern japanese voice actors only do it part time.

  53. Well the movie is now out since February 4th, anyone know when a English Dub will happen? =/

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