Friday, January 14, 2011

Twitter Translations 12

It's been over a week that I haven't updated anything, even though the amount of new tweet wasn't lacking. The main reason behind this is that I just started University and needed to get myself together, I'll try to be more punctual from now on, but I can't promise anything. Now enough about myself and here's the latest translations (I won't be doing all the tweets from the last week, since there's quite a lot of them. Same for the re-tweets) :

The Berserk TVCMs popularity is pretty nice, isn't it ? Thank you for this. It was said that the anime was made for the for the commercial of the book, however at that time it was pretty hard saying if it was the case or not 

Indeed. Many people actually believed the CMs were intended as promotional footage for the newest manga. I personally never think it would be the case, but as slight as it was, there was a possibility it was true.

I receive quite a lot of various inquiries and questions. (From around the world) I am very sorry, but under the present circumstances, there are only a few answers; at any rate, I am very sorry for giving away only "one-way" informations. Once I'll be at the point where I can give informations, I will gradually inform you.  

Gackt's narration in the CMs indirectly announced a movie. 

Pretty minimalist translation here, but come to think of it, the "daremo mita kotononai" (roughly meaning "nobody had seen it") narration in the CM do make sense now : Nobody had seen a Berserk movie up to this point.

This is pretty much about it; all other tweet are even less significant (such as the fact that a  #bskmovie tag has been created) so I won't bother translating them. Also, some may have noticed that the official website has been updated with the movie announcement.

That's it for now.
g0rth Web Developer

Morbi aliquam fringilla nisl. Pellentesque eleifend condimentum tellus, vel vulputate tortor malesuada sit amet. Aliquam vel vestibulum metus. Aenean ut mi aucto.


  1. Lets just hope there not bitches to americans and release it promptly i mean wtf why didnt we get the ps2 game? Im a massive fan and believe its the greatest story ever told

  2. A movie and not an anime. What let down man...

  3. To anonymous up there, why an anime? with the cheap animes we see nowadays, a new berserk anime series would only diminished the incredible quality of the original anime, hand made drawings and animation, etc.

    The best part is not just a movie, is a bunch of them, with great quality i might add, so im looking forward to them, and i truly hope susumu hirasawa gets involed in this, for old time sake's!
