Sunday, December 26, 2010

Twitter Translations 9

Finally ! New updates ! And a major one too !

Sorry for this long period of silence. On the January 8th 2011, an important announcement will be made. Look forward it !

Now that's what I'm talking about ! Looks like we'll finally get some clear information about the project.

2011年、ベルセルクが動き出します。 「誰も見た事のないベルセルク」TVCMより。

In 2011, Berserk will get ongoing. Different than the "daremo mitakotononai Beruseruku" TV CMs. 

I'm not too sure what to think about this one, 動き出します definitively means "to get going", "to start to move", etc, so will the actual anime will start in 2011 ? Or the project will simply enter in postproduction and the real marketing campaign will start ?

There is still a lot of questioning about the TVCM from looking at the official Berserk website.

Rather clumsy translation, but it's simply your usual website marketing statement, nothing interesting here. 

So this is it, January 8th shall be an important date - hopefully - regarding the project. At least it gives me something to look forward after resuming University... 

Oh and while I'm here, though a bit late, I wish you all a Merry Christmas and if I don't get to post before then, a happy new year (new year with some new Berserk anime hopefully). 
g0rth Web Developer

Morbi aliquam fringilla nisl. Pellentesque eleifend condimentum tellus, vel vulputate tortor malesuada sit amet. Aliquam vel vestibulum metus. Aenean ut mi aucto.


  1. Thank you so much for translating these, it was like the best last Christmas present ever.

  2. The waiting game, I swear I got that gift last year.

    Happy New Year dude.

  3. I heard there is no new anime and that this is all marketing for the manga and all the new "releases" and announcements are all for new manga issues. I hope not!

  4. thank you very much for translating these ,,really appreciate your effort.

  5. Johnny Golgo, stop trying to piss on our bonfire of dreams ;)

    Miura mentioned it in one of the latest manga releases so it must be true :D

  6. Yeah, plus I saw something in a Japanese manga magazine saying that a new Berserk is coming out in 2011. So hopefully this isnt all advertising for a manga issue, lol.

  7. according to the news somewer in japan it will be a remake......

  8. Its not going to be a TV show, its going to be a movie, and from what i gather using Google translate on berserk projects tweets, they are going to make multiple movies that will span the whole manga! No word on a release yet..

  9. Some of the best news ive heard in a while. Thanks
