Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Twitter Translations 5 [Updated]

There wasn't any tweet yesterday, but one that simply said the CM was going to be uploaded on the morning of the 5th, so I didn't really take time to create a post just for it. Today is different and we also get our first English Tweet.

As of 05/10/10 :

大変申し訳ありません!! ベルセルク再開のヤングアニマルは、10月22日(金)発売です!! 先ほど、23日と間違った情報を書いてしまいました。すいません!! 22日です!!
We are very sorry ! Young Animal's Berserk resumption goes on sell on the October 22th (Friday) !! We just deleted the wrong information about the 23th, sorry !! It's the 22th !!

Like said in the comments, I think it's talking about when the Berserk manga will resume in the Young Animal magazine.

そして、10月23日発売のヤングアニマルにて、ベルセルク連載再開です。 よろしくお願いします!!
And then, on the October 23th at Young Animal sale, there will be a Berserk novel serialization relaunch. Thanks !! 

This tweet has been deleted.

For those who understand English, translation will be done on Twitter, it is natural for that answer to be returned in English. Even if they mostly don't understand, they still love Berserk, that feeling alone was transmitted. 

Lousy translation here, but I hope you get the idea, my Japanese is quite limited.
Edit : A reader, Justin came up with a much better translation than I :

"English speakers have been receiving translations and tweeting [responses], however their responses are naturally also in English. We don't understand most of it, but the fact that they love Berserk has been communicated [to us], at least."

We are greatly impressed by being followed by so many overseas Berserk fans. We hope all of you enjoy the world of Berserk.
First English tweet ! Of course, no translation needed.

ベルセルクWEB限定CM、公式サイトにアップしました。 よろしくお願いします。 http://www.younganimal.com/berserk/
Berserk web exclusive commercial has been uploaded to the official web site. Thank you.  

That's it for now, I'm quite intrigued by that relaunch of the Berserk serialization, maybe I'm just translating 連載再開 wrong; I'll try to investigate this if I have the time. As always other tweets will be posted here thorough the day (if there are any).
g0rth Web Developer

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  1. Hope the serialization re-launch isn't the explanation of "Berserk Begins/Rebirth/etc." :/

  2. Google translates it to:

    "And in the Young Animal released on October 23, Berserk series is resumed."

    That could make more sense -- that the manga is set to _resume_ on the 23rd after the present hiatus.

  3. On that second one I think it's more like this:

    "English speakers have been receiving translations and tweeting [responses], however their responses are naturally also in English. We don't understand most of it, but the fact that they love Berserk has been communicated [to us], at least."

    It's often hard to tell exactly who the subject of a sentence is in Japanese, as I'm sure you've noticed. But I think if they were referring to someone else's lack of understanding, they would use a more roundabout phrasing like わからないらしい rather than straight わからない.

  4. @ Justin : Ahh that's a much better translation. Thanks I'll update it !

  5. new twitter message :P
