Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Poll Results

In a desperate attempt to give this blog some meaningful content, I shall discuss about the poll result that recently ended.

As you can see on the right of this, the pool ended in a tight result between TV Series and OVA Series. While I personally hope for  TV series (albeit paying for it, i.e. censorship), an OVA series makes a lot of sense too; the final result went in favor of the latter. As we saw in one of the leaked picture, blood is present and in vast quantity which seems to point toward the OVA (shall we have been in the 90s, I wouldn't have said so, but sadly, things have changed).
Also, the fact that 3D (and probably motion capture 3D too) will be used also hints something toward the OVA, since it's a much cheaper way release material and would compensate for the fact 3D is expensive.
Although it has no real value, it is interesting to note that, as a major staff company, Studio 4C has a lot more OVA in its portfolio than TV series. Movies take the first place by just a few more productions, but as discussed before, it would be near impossible to condense what we saw in the CM into a coherent movie (4 persons did voted for "Movies series" though).

As long as we get frequent release (unlike Hellsing Ultimate...), I wouldn't mind an OVA series, but knowing the fact I'd have to wait more than a week to see a new episode would be a turn off for me when the project will see the TV screens. Hopefully the next Young Animal issue will contain further informations about the project.

Side note here; I regularly glance at what is happening on 2ch and it looks like OVA is also getting a favorable position over the TV series.

Stay tuned !
g0rth Web Developer

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  1. Either tv series or ova would be fine with me. I agree with you on ova releases waiting more than a week might have some people lose interest, but a tv series loses the gore content. But if i had to prefer one it has to be a tv series.

  2. Well, lets face the fact here, I would assume most of you here do like Berserk and read the manga on regular basis, I would ask you question, Aren't we used to the "endless" hiatus the writer has been giving us every 2-3 chapters? yet, we still follow him.

  3. Well, the first one had quite a bit of blood, gore, and even nudity. Unless censorship has really cracked down over in Japan (Maybe they have like an HBO type station it could air on?) I feel that TV could be adequate. Honestly, if this is decent, good or amazing I am happy either way just to see some more of the Berserk universe animated. Personally in favor of TV unless they would have to cut immense portions of the story/setting out to an extent that it would affect the mood or theme. OVA format would be quite interesting too, if not released too sparsely. I cannot complain either way we are getting more Berserk.

  4. Would rather have OVA, hoping it will be a real to the manga as possible. People will be watching it years after it is finished!

  5. After reading the manga (which I loved) I'm not sure they could manage to turn it into a TV series. There is a massive amount of gore, and frequent rape. There's no way it would get aired in the US if it was uncut. I'd have to say OVA. No way they could do a TV series without massive censorship.
