Friday, October 8, 2010

Twitter Translations 6

After a few days of silence, I finally get something to translate... 

As of 08/10/10 : 
今回のTVCM、YouTubeなどで、すでに20万回以上視聴されてるらしいです。 ワールドワイドに注目を浴びているみたいです。ありがたい。
It seems the recent TV CMs has already reached more than 200 000 views on Youtube and such. Looks like they have gained some attention worldwide. We're  thankful for that.

All this sudden attention the project get from countries other than Japan makes me wonder if it'll influence the project in any kind of way. It's not the first time they mention all the fuss other countries are making over the project, so it looks like they're taking this attention pretty seriously. We did get one English tweet a few days ago.

Hopefully we'll get more Tweets going on, but for now this is it.

g0rth Web Developer

Morbi aliquam fringilla nisl. Pellentesque eleifend condimentum tellus, vel vulputate tortor malesuada sit amet. Aliquam vel vestibulum metus. Aenean ut mi aucto.


  1. I find it surprising that they would be so impressed by how popular berserk is abroad. I was under the impression that Miura had already been informed in at least one occasion that his work is EXTREMELY popular in occident in general, and specially in the U.S.

    It's even mentioned in the interview that came with the six(?)-DVD pack:

    P.S. I know this is going to sound stupid but...are those tweets written in Hiragana or Kanji? Because I've been trying to learn some japanese by myself and I believe I recognize some of the characters as hiragana, but some of them (particularly the boxy ones) look more like kanji to me.
    Can kanji and hiragana be mixed like that in a sentence, or do they always separate them with a parenthesis or different font size?

  2. well each volume is published in German language here in Germany. so guess there are quite a few poeple interested in the new anime :D

  3. 200k , you mean 20k ? if not i would like a link

  4. @ Anon : 20k would have been 20千. 万 stands for a 10,000 base unit. Just the 5 CM I uploaded myself round up to a good 65,000 views and there's more uploads of the CM, so that number make sense.

    @Rolos : The sentence contains romaji (roman characters), hiragana (あいうえお), katakana (アイウエオ)and kanjis (漢字). Yes they can and must be mixed; Kanji are symbols that refer to a thing/concept, while hiragana is just a phonetic alphabet. Generally, kanjis will be used for common nouns and verb stems, while hiragana is used for verb suffix, particles and many other stuff. Katakana is the same as hiragana except it's mostly used for foreign words.

  5. Dude reading Berserk in German would be epic sauce. Their is a rumor that the anime is coming out the october 22 and since I cant read japanese I was wonder if their is any validty to this.

  6. @Guts

    Dunno where you saw that, but what is sure is that a new manga chapter will be out on the 22nd. It's the release date of the next Young Animal issue (the magazine Berserk where is serialized)
