Friday, October 1, 2010

New Berserk Commercial 3 [Updated]

It's there !

[Analysis after the break]

Thoughts and analysis :

After the slightly disappointing commercial 2, we get this time a much interesting trailer featuring Casca and the Behelit ! Let's see what can be deduced from both scenes.

0:00 ~ 0:07
A naked Casca covered in leaves. There's not much scene in the manga where she's totally naked. 3 times ? 4 times ? 5-6 times at max ? The only one I can thing right now are the love scene between her and Guts, during and after the Eclipse and when she unconsciously  kills 3 guys that tried to rape her in volume 23. The fact she has short hairs pretty much eliminate that last option. There's also the fact that she's moving her lips and it looks like she's actually articulating. This rules out everything after the Eclipse. There's no 100% corresponding scene from the manga, but it looks a lot like some scene after Guts and her had sex. It's happening in a forest and we actually see a lot of leaves on the ground in the manga. +1 for creative censorship. This also add up to the count of the Golden Age scenes.
Edit :  Alright, found out the corresponding part of the manga, it is volume 6, page 197 :

The caption this time confuse me a little, not because of its meaning, but because I'm actually having trouble translating that. 
This would mean something like "Berserk, Quickening". I'm actually French, so even in English I'm having some difficulties understand its meaning. I'm pretty sure a better word could fit. Another translation of 胎動 would be "to stir up trouble" so I guess "Berserk, Trouble" wouldn't sound too bad.

0:10 ~ 0:15
This is one gorgeously animated scene of the Behelit if you ask me.There's a lot of scenes involving the Behelit,  from when Guts put his hand on it in the pre-Golden Age arc to the latest villain in the manga. The fact that it's opening its eyes doesn't tell a lot; it has this tendency to do so once in a while and doesn't look as "stressed" as when it's activated. The nose and eyes are still scrambled anyway. So yeah, not much to tell from this.

In overall, this one commercial did only one thing in my opinion : it confirmed even more the fact the Golden Age Arc will be animated, which is not a surprise; it is very rare (in fact I don't think I've seen this even once) to see a production company green-lit an anime sequel that another production house did the first part. I'll discuss this in another post.  
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  1. Quickening:
    - to become alive; receive life.
    - (of a fetus in the womb) to begin to manifest signs of life.

    So basically another take on "Berserk: Re-birth", like "Berserk: New Life".

  2. Ah, I wasn't aware of that meaning. Makes a lot more sense now.


    The word is "Taidou":
    - "Tai" means womb, or uterus.
    - "Dou" can mean motion, movement, shift, agitation

    So the literal meaning is "fetal movement". This may be a reference to the plot AFTER the Golden Age story arc (Casca), or may refer to the birthing of Femto or the new Griffith (Behelit).

    But I like Sven's translation better, it sounds more poetic. :^)

  4. 胎動 could mean "omen" or "sign" as well

  5. hmmm, this would be the scene where casca conceives, so that's probably what it refers to.

  6. That is not the scene where Casca conceives, you are probably thinking about after Gattsu leaves the hawks and then returns while Griffith is imprisoned. This is during a battle that the band of the hawks was having during the Golden Age in which Casca fell from the cliff and Gattsu fell with her due to a sneak attack from a crossbow.

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