Sunday, October 3, 2010

Twitter Translations 4

Nothing much exceptional today, except the usual broadcasting schedule and upload notification :

ベルセルクCMのDパターン、ただ今、ベルセルク公式サイトにアップしました。 よろしくお願いします。

Berserk commercial part D has just been uploaded to the official Berserk website. Thanks.

For Toukai TV, one time during "Coca-Cola Toukai Classic Highlight". Two times during "Takajin Mune Ippai". A total of 3 times. 

読売テレビは、25:20~25:26「ウキキちゃんねる 」の番組内で1本。 今日は、ワンチャンスです。
Yomiuri TV : One time around 25:20~25:26 during "Ukiki Channel". Only one chance today. 


Today's broadcast schedule. Like yesterday, one time around 25:25~26:25 during "Entertainment Tamacchi". One time during "24 Season 7". One time during "Chuuoukeiba Daijiesuto". One time during "Taiiku Souko". A total of 4 times.

Final CM will be released tomorrow, so be sure not to miss it. It's also going to be a web exclusive one so I won't need to translate any broadcasting stuff...
g0rth Web Developer

Morbi aliquam fringilla nisl. Pellentesque eleifend condimentum tellus, vel vulputate tortor malesuada sit amet. Aliquam vel vestibulum metus. Aenean ut mi aucto.


  1. I wonder if it will be a new one or just re shows of the old commericals.

  2. its gonna be a web exclusive so probly something new would be neat to see the skull knight or the berserker armor, but I doubt it. Probly a sceen from eclipse or something else will be more likely
