Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Twitter Translations 7

Well, lucky me, just after I publish the last post, a new Twitter update appears...

As of 13/10/10 :

TVCMが、どこで見られるのかという問い合わせがおおのですが、以下のURLをクリックすると見る事ができます。よろしくお願いします。 http://www.younganimal.com/berserk/cm/index.html
Wherever you have seen the TV CM or have a lot of interrogations about it; you can see them by clicking on the following URL.  

Something like that; I still have difficulties with longer sentences. Also, I guess I'm not the only one trying to fill in some content, since that was just to promote the website again... wbsite that still had the "Coming Soon" button unusable as we speak.

On that, good night all of you ! 
g0rth Web Developer

Morbi aliquam fringilla nisl. Pellentesque eleifend condimentum tellus, vel vulputate tortor malesuada sit amet. Aliquam vel vestibulum metus. Aenean ut mi aucto.


  1. "Interrogations" definitely isn't the right word. I'd guess that portion of the sentence is something more along the lines of "or have a lot of questions about it..." "Fellowing" should also be "following." Dunno about the entire first half though.

  2. @RT

    Thaks for the corrections. You have no idea how sleepy I was when I wrote that... anyway just added a few words after "interrogations", but I'm going to keep that word since IMO, having interrogations about something is almost the same as having questions about something.

  3. Interrogation is for when you have a suspect interrogated, almost dissected verbally for answers (think cops, or inquistion), and thus in this context sounds ridiculous. Also, your previous post is about the "pool," but I suspect you mean "poll."

  4. @Anonymous

    One of the recurring definition in the English dictionaries I consulted listed "Interrogation" as "an instance of questioning". Might not be the most used term in the States, but it has definitively the good meaning in this case.

    Also, thanks, corrected it. I'll try to be more careful next time.

  5. Believe me, as a native English speaker, absolutely no one uses the word "interrogation" in that context. You're also using the plural noun form as a verb which makes even less sense.

  6. Bleh, not as a verb, but it's still wrong. An interrogation is a questioning session meant to uncover information from an often uncooperative person.

  7. Have a lot of interrogations about it would mean you literally find people, sit them down, and interrogate (question profusely) about Berserk lol. Thanks for these updates!!
