Friday, October 1, 2010

Twitter Translations 2 [Updated]

As of  01/10/10 08h26 (EST) :

Because of the great amount of foreigners among the followers, somewhere next week, there will be English tweets. Those who can speak English, we're counting on you.

Hey !! I'm already doing that ! Well anyway, good job guys !! They know we're here all right now ! We get English tweets next week. At least I'll be able to see if what I was translating was bullshit or not...

Today is type D; a compilation version of part A~C. GACKT's narration will change. Be sure to read into the meaning of that speech !   

Oh... now that one is interesting. I'm I'm right, next clip will be a compilation, I hope I'm wrong though, but nevertheless, GACKT's speech will be different and might contain some interesting informations !

TVCMのCバージョンを、ただ今、ベルセルク公式サイトにアップしました。 キャスカ&ベヘリット編です。よろしくお願いします!!
The commercial version C has just been uploaded to the official Berserk website. It's a Casca and Behelit compilation. Thanks ! ! 

On standby for the commercial !

本日のCMも昨日とは違うCバージョンです。昨日は、ゾッドを当てた人が多かったのでびっくりしました。さあ、今日のキャラは? 楽しみにして下さい!!
Today's commercial C version is also  different with yesterday. Yesterday, it was surprising to see how much people guessed right with Zodd. Today character is ? Look forward it !  

Tokai TV's broadcasting shedule. One time between "Suporuto!" and "Dai 41 Kai Koka -  Ko-ra Tokai Kurashikku hairaito" One time between  "Dai 41 Kai Koka -  Ko-ra Tokai Kurashikku hairaito" and "Kyun!". 1 time during "Fuji-san" program. That's a total shedule of 3 broadcasts.

Yomiuri YV's broadcasting shedule. One time aroud 24:58 and 25h:58, during "Kin* Don". One time between "Kin* Don" and "Kyuun!". One time during "Kyuun!". One time between "Kyuun!" and "Zuumu shikaranai (Kun ni Todoke)". A total of 4 broadcasts. 

Today's broadcasting schedule for Fuji TV. One time between "Suporuto!" and "Hoko X Tate". One time during "Hoko X Tate" around 25:30 ~ 26:30. Two times around 26:30 ~ 27:25 during "24 Season 7". For a total of 4 times.

I will keep the pot updated during the day if there's anymore tweets. Also expect Trailer 3 to be up by this afternoon for us. I'll be at work, but I'll do my best to upload it ASAP. 

[Update] : Added today's latest tweets. 
[Update 2] :  The way I'll work for the twitter translations is the fellowing : Each day will get a single post, which will be updated during the day as tweets are posted (and as I have the free time...) Obviously, this won't be needed anymore next week. 
g0rth Web Developer

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