Thursday, September 30, 2010

Twitter Translations 1

Basically, the title says it all. In these post, I'm going to try as best as I can to translated what is being said in the official twitter account of the project. As it is right now, I won't translate all the posts, but maybe just a few of them or so and then I will proceed on translating the ones that are posted on a 24h basis. Don't expect a perfect translation; although I'm studying Japanese at a genuine school, I'm still learning.

[Translations after the break]

As of  30/09/10, 23h04 EST :


Part B of the TV commercial just got uploaded on the official Berserk website. It is the Zodd version. 

今夜は、ゾッドバージョンでした。当ててる方が多かった。鋭い!! 明日は、また違うバージョンです。
Tonight was Zodd version. There was a lot that guessed right. Sharp!! Tomorrow is another new version. 

- I'm guessing tomorrow will be Puck ! -

It feels like guessing the character of today's commercial will be difficult and unexpected !! 


The great number of foreigner among the followers is surprising !  

- You hear that ? Keep fellowing them on twitter and show them we're like Berserk as much as they do ! -

本日のCMは、Bバージョンで、昨日までのものと違います。楽しみにして下さい。 ベルセルク公式サイトでは、明日の午前中にアップ予定です。アップしましたらご報告します。
Today's commercial from part B is different from yesterday's. Look forward it. We plan on uploading it tomorrow morning on the official website.  

- Consequently, as I typed that post, it got uploaded. Go check out the website to see it in higher resolution -
g0rth Web Developer

Morbi aliquam fringilla nisl. Pellentesque eleifend condimentum tellus, vel vulputate tortor malesuada sit amet. Aliquam vel vestibulum metus. Aenean ut mi aucto.

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