Thursday, September 30, 2010

2nd New Berserk Commercial

It aired according to the given schedule and here it is :

[Analysis after the break]

Thoughts and analysis :
This time we get one single scene from a very precise moment in the manga : Volume 5 page 171 and onward. This correspond to material from the Golden Age Arc, aka the arc the original 1997 anime series covered. So far the amount of footage shown from the Golden Age is predominant; a remake of the GA arc seems more and more certain. However, there are still some footage that aren't in that arc, so we might get GA arc + Black Swordman Arc, yet the fact they included Femto in the first commercial (in his human form; I'll talk about this later)

The CGI was fine, wasn't bothered by it at first, but at the 0:12 mark, when Zodd flew out, it looked not as appealing as what we say in CM 1 & 2. However, we still haven't seen enough material to pass a judgement, so I'll let this one pass.

Animation aside, now we get to the most interesting fact about this clip :

Note how the rocks pattern at the bottom are exactly identical

That's right, it's almost identical to the leaked pictures we had 1 year ago. It would be safe to assume those pictures were the real deal. More to come about concerning that in another post.

Finally, a last small detail, the caption slightly changed this time saying "Reincarnation" or "Rebirth" instead of "A Start" in the first clip :

Berserk, Reincarnation.
 This is all for CM 2 ! Let me know what your opinions/theories !
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1 comment:

  1. Pretty exciting considering if the ones leaked were the real deal, means Puck is around and they are expanding the original series. Can't wait to find out more!
