Thursday, July 14, 2011

Berserk Movie Trailer - Golden Age Part 1

I know I've been late on this, here it is, for you enjoyment if you haven't already seen it (which I doubt); a trailer for the first berserk movie :

Anonymous Web Developer

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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Berserk Film : Due January 2012

That is all, my friends.

Let the countdown begins.

Edit: On the 15th of July, a website for the movie franchise will open. You can reach it here, though it is password protected.
Anonymous Web Developer

Morbi aliquam fringilla nisl. Pellentesque eleifend condimentum tellus, vel vulputate tortor malesuada sit amet. Aliquam vel vestibulum metus. Aenean ut mi aucto.